This is three years old, but damn, it is really well done. This is fishing out of a place called Pesca Mahahual. I’ll be heading to Mahahual (although just the regular Mahahual, not Pesca Mahahual) here in a couple weeks, also with my dad. We are hoping to get into some tarpon (maybe getting my dad his first ever after a rather miserable failure a couple years back in the Keys).
Sooooo looking forward to it.
Pending report: I was in Xcalak (about 40 miles from Mahahual) 2 weeks ago. I only fished one very windy day. I boated 11 bonefish (some really good sized), a Jack and had a shot at 1 single permit who wasnt hungry. I also saw many HUGE barracuda. Just a heads up 🙂
Let me know if you need any pointers. Im in Mahahual, been here 15 years. First Tarpon for your father is no problem. N
Nick, can’t wait to be there with you. We have two days booked.
Why settle on just a tarpon, or 10, while there for two days? Best place in the world to get your Dad into a salt water Slam or Super Slam….I’ve been on fly fishing trips to the Chet Bay Area at least once a year (sometimes, VERY happily, twice) for the past decade & recognized many places in the video like “fingers,” Dos Abril, Mayan Canal, the “beach” etc. You’ll love it, especially the people & the fish aren’t bad either. Be prepared for the weather this time of the year