About BOTB
I love bonefish. I’m not an expert, I’m just profoundly interested. This site is my outlet for some of that pent up excitement and interest. It has also become a way to meet some cool people and learn about conservation, casting, flies and all manner of other topics.
I try to find stories or people or places and share those things with you. Stories are better than how-to type posts, in my opinion.
I’ll push conservation, maybe to the point of being preachy and I won’t apologize for that.
I’ll get excited about trips and flies and gear, especially affordable gear. I’ll share those things with you too.
I’ll be excited for your trips and your fish and your stories as well, and I’d encourage you to share your stories with me.
Thanks for reading.

The Grey Ghost… almost invisible!
If you have stories to share, thoughts on gear, cool pics, whatever, feel free to drop me a line at bonefishonthebrain at gmail dot com. Here is a link to some more information on who I am.
You can read my interview with myself… yes… with myself, here.