I have, for the most part, lost the ability to have simple conversations. Parenthood doesn’t help and being a stay-at-home dad helps even less. My bonefish fixation is another nail in the coffin of conversation.
I’m either talking about pre-schools/swim lessons/nap-time routines or bonefish.
Tonight, waiting in line at Uhaul I was sporting my “I bonefish” t-shirt. A guy in line said “Do you mind if I as what a bonefish is?”
Oh boy… here it goes…
I primed him first, telling him that I was going to try and limit myself, as I could rattle on wayyyyy too long. I gave him the generalities… inshore game species found on the flats in tropical places… no, they were not good eating.
I tried to explain the stalking aspect, the hunt, the wagging tails, the camouflaged nature of the fish, the beauty of the setting.
Well… after about 10 minutes (slowest Uhaul line EVER) they had learned a great deal, more than they had anticipated and MUCH more than they were hoping to.
I did notice that they moved on the other side of the display of moving boxes.
Thank god they didn’t ask about potty training.
Tags: bonefish, bonefishing, Conversation killers, flyfishing