Drakecast – Dorian’s Wake

I just listened to Elliott Adler’s “Dorian’s Wake” episode of the DrakeCast podcast.

You should listen to it as well.

Elliott was out there with me in 2018 and caught his first bonefish out of the East End Lodge. He interviews Rob, co-owner of East End Lodge about the state of the Eastern part of Grand Bahama. It’s bad. People are suffering. There are lots of ways to help (money is most in need).

Rob and Ceclie at East End Lodge

Places to give:

Yellow Dog Community Conservation Foundation

Dorian Relief East End Grand Bahama Go Fund Me 

Abaco Lodge Hurricane Relief Efforts Go Fund Me

H2O Bonefishing Hurricane Dorian Recovery Fund

You can also bid on a dozen flies I’ll be tying up through Josh Mills’ “#dozenfordorian” effort that has raised about $18,000 so far. Just put in a bid… it is currently at $75. To be clear… not the flies on the hat. New ones.



  1. Glad to see that the Drakecast has restarted. What hooks are you using?

  2. Follow up: after I listened to the podcast I learned that this is a multiple person effort and how the process is done. I realize the hooks or size don’t really matter. Thanks for sharing this effort. I wonder if Elliot is going to continue with the Drakecast. It was a very good one and I miss it. FYI, I’ve given some cash to the BTT Hurricane Relief Fund which will go towards the angling community and gave some cash to some individuals that were affected. Now, I’ll go to instagram and check out #dozenfordorian. Thanks for sharing this program.

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