Eric’s Gotchas

From reader Eric…

My first trip was in May and I and caught a dozen on plain old Gotchas on Acklins. I threw my whole box of popular flies into schools or cruising big ones with multiple refusals. I tied them all so they will always be my favorite.  Here’s a photo of my first few efforts and my first bonefish… (day 1 of 6) -and saw it by myself!  I’ve only been fly fishing for three years and had a few months of tying and I feel like I’ve hit the big time!  I really enjoy your brain dumps.
Eric English MD
Aka fishbaydoc

simple and effective.

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  1. Whoa Nellie: look at the length of the tails!?!? I would’ve thought that material would tickle the bone’s olfactory nerves and get a refusal.

  2. I like a long wing… no complaints from me!

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