I am a Facebook person. My whole life is on there. Some may dislike that, others are similar. That’s not what this is about.
One thing I enjoy is the Facebook Memories and today popped up a memory with my Bahamas 2008 album featuring my first trip to the Bahamas and my first ever bonefish.

I was with my dad on that trip and he caught his first bonefish and one of the nicest mangrove snappers I’ve seen landed.

A LOT has changed since then.
My mom passed. My dad is medically fragile (currently with COVID, so, we’ll see) in assisted living having moved from my childhood home. One marriage ended and another (ambetter, healthier one) began. I had a son. I changed jobs, 3 times. I moved, 5 times. I have less hair and more pounds. I’ve since fished multiple times in the Bahamas, Belize, in Cuba, Mexico, Hawaii, Christmas Island, Florida and more. I’m a better angler now than I was then and maybe a wiser person.
So many memories have filled in the intervening 15 years, but this trip will always stand out as amazing. That’s why we take these trips, to go out there and do the thing and create memories and stories that will hold us over until the next time.
Get out there and create some memories.
Enjoyed the ride following you. Keep up the good work on and off the flats!