All sight casting, tails tails tails tails. Thousands and gazillions of bonefish tails. Saw a massive snook, no shot. Spooky spooky spooky bones. Shallow water. Damn wind. But managed to catch 3 on first day, 8 on the second day. Loved it.
via Fly Fish Chick » Blog Archive » Don’t Stop Beliezing.
The Fly Fish Chick went to Belize (hey, I’ve been there!) and fish were caught. She has a slide show on her site. Get ye there and commence viewing.
Tags: Belize, bonefish, bonefishing, Fly Fish Chick, fly fishing, flyfishing
thanks a million for bumping a few viewers over to my slideshow! it was a fun two days on the water. as always, wish I had more time/opportunity to chase bonefish. love those cool wiley fish. cheers!! ~FFC