Here’s a pretty cool opportunity. Yellow Dog is putting on a photography school… IN BELIZE. How awesome would that be?!?!
Instructors include Jim Klug, Bryan Gregson and Jess McGlothlin.
I’ve had the privilege to be on a boat with Jim and to see his approach to photography (which is the kind of focus the Cookie Monster has toward cookies, and by that, I mean intense and singular).
I know a lot of you want to take better pictures of your time out there and these instructors, and that place (El Pescador, one of my favorite places on earth)… I mean… how could you NOT count that as one of your all-time highlight experiences???
Sounds like an awesome opportunity.
October 22-28, 2016, El Pescador.
- If you liked the story above, check out these stories below
- Interview with Jess McGlothlin - The South Pacific (0.740)
Tags: Belize, El Pescador Lodge, Jess McGlothin, Jim Klug, Yellow Dog Fly Fishing Adventures