Hurricane Season

First thing I do when I wake up is check the status of Irma. It looks like a bad one and it is headed for a lot of places that have touched my life. Thinking of all of you in the storm’s path.

I can’t ignore that there, right now, appears to be another potential storm in the far Eastern Atlantic and there is another potential storm in the Gulf and while those storms may, or may not organize, I can’t help but worry about even more destruction following in the wake of both the destruction that has already happened from Harvey and that which is about to befall so many from Irma.

Now, I’m pretty sure these storms were not caused because there are gay people, as some would believe, I do believe Climate Change played a role.

Hurricanes have been going on as long as there have been seas on which they could form, but our seas are getting warmer and warmer seas feed hurricanes and, well, just do the math on that.

Let’s not stick our heads in the sand any longer.

We need to do better.

That said… those in the path of Irma, those impacted by Harvey, those to be impacted by whatever else follows… my thoughts are with you.

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1 comment

  1. I am with you – hope Irma spares my friends at Grey’s Point (and their fellow islanders)on Acklins and those in South Andros.

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