My name, Bjorn, is a tough one for a lot of people. It is pronounced “bee-orn.” The “j” throws a lot of people. I’ve had that name since birth, however, so I’m used to it.On the recent trip to Long Island the name produced a new funny twist.
Head guide, Dwayne, had trouble with my name, as many do. Dwayne pronounced my name “Born” and I answered to it. You can’t be picky when you are named Bjorn.
- Dwayne, calling out a fish to Jason Bourne (photo from Aaron Vanderwall)
In order to remember my name, Dwayne latched on to the Bourne movies, associating my name with Jason Bourne.
On the boat, when fish were spotted and Dwayne wanted to get my attention, the association with the movie character proved too strong and he’d simply call me “Jason.”
He knew it wasn’t right, but he couldn’t stop himself.
“Jason… Bourne… Jason, bonefish, there!”
Soon, even Dwayne’s brother Elvis was calling me Jason.
So, in March of 2014, a character from fiction visited Long Island in the Bahamas in search of bonefish. There were no car chases or explosions, save those by barracuda.
Tags: Jason Bourne, Long Island