I’m not a wizard at the vice. Mostly, I tie simple nymphs (like the Eng Theng) designed to fool trout and I find that trout are pretty easily fooled when it comes to nymphs (I’m in that “presentation-is-king” school of thought). To satisfy my bonefish fixation I’ve taken to tying bonefish patterns. When it comes to bonefish patterns the king (as far as I know) is the Gotcha. The Gotcha is just a really easy fly to tie and it’s pretty easy to vary an element or two to make it your own. I tie a lot of Gotchas. Really, I tie way more than I could really use in the next decade of fishing. Still… I keep tying them.
Turns out the Gotcha is McVay’s Gotcha and it has a pretty quirky birth… cab carpet fibers.
There is a tutorial here, at Fly Fishing In Salt Waters Magazine.
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- Upper Sacramento River... no bonefish (0.550)
Tags: bonefishing, Eng Theng, Fly Fishing in Salt Waters, fly tying, flyfishing, McVay's Gotcha