Saw this on the simply named Fly Fishing blog. This pattern, called the 90 Percenter, was created by Oliver Owens out of Hawaii. Fox Fur is the active ingredient and it looks like a fish getter.
Oliver has been guiding out in the islands since 1999 and he’s fished or guided all the Hawaiian islands except Nihihu. I’d bet he has one or two interesting stories.
Tags: bonefishing, fly tying, flyfishing, Hawaii, Oliver Owens
Oliver, not sure you will remember me but I’m the guy that broke your rod while practicing in that park about 10/11 years ago. I am coming around February with a number of friends. Would like to hook up with you for a day or two. Get a guided trip with a few of us if possible. Thanks hope to hear from you
From Alaska, so definitely rookies lol. Not sure if that’s even a decent time of year? And if not what other fish is available in February? It just works out for us at that time of year, and it’s dang cold here at that time of year lol
I don’t know if he’ll see your comments, but maybe he will.