Once again, Deneki Outdoors is dealing the goods. This time, they dish advice about rod selection. While I was surprised at the suggestion of a 5 weight, the others sound like the advice offered by the luminaries. Check out their suggestions here.
My upcoming Bahamas trip just increased in rod count by +1. I’ll have an 8. I’ll have an 8/9. Now, I’ll have a 7. I just put the order in for a TFO Axiom 7 weight. I have a good reel already, I have the line… all I needed was the rod (my 4 pc. 7 wt. was stolen in Mexico and my other 7 wt. is a 2 pc.). So… now I’ll have the Axiom too.
PS… no, Deneki Outdoors didn’t really suggest a 5 wt., but check out their post to see what they did recommend and why.
Tags: bonefishing, Deneki Outdoors, Fly rods, Temple Fork Outfitters