Some FL odds and ends

I’m off to Philadelphia today for a few days. In the meantime I thought I’d turn your attention to a few of the folks I’ve interviewed who will play some role in the upcoming trip to Florida in search of the Silver King, the Grey Ghost, the… um… well, we’ll fish for anything really.

My very first interview was with Davin. Davin writes Flatswalker. He’s also an artist.

We’ll be fishing with a whole host of characters, including Derek Rust. Derek is the only person in the group I’ve actually fished with before, even if that was in the California salt. Derek has fallen in with a rough crowd since he moved out to Florida. Mainly, he’s hooked up with the Skinny Water Culture crew and is a regular feature on their blog, which is one of the best blogs by any company or individual on the net.

Bill Horn, as I mentioned yesterday, wrote a book about fishing the Florida Keys, so he’s a guy who knows a thing or two.

Eric Estrada is another guy connected with Skinny Water Culture and he happens to be one hell of an artist.

Who else we meet along the way and the adventures we have, well, we’ll keep you posted on all of that.

Needless to say… I’m all a tingle with anticipation.

My one previous FL trip

My one previous FL trip


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