Mar 15

A Deliberate Life

There is a new movie out. It is a movie about life as much as it is a movie about fishing. A Deliberate Life is finally done and available for purchase.

This movie his close to home for me. I’ve fished with Matt and Rebecca, although both in the salt and not on the trout streams they are featured on. I met both of them as things were swirling either in my life or theirs. I remember telling Rebecca down in South Andros I feared my marriage was either done or nearly so, and the following week my premonition was largely fulfilled.

Photo by Cameron Miller

Photo by Cameron Miller

I finally got to fish with Matt in Florida, where we got soaked to the bone. This was as I had just learned I was going to have a son after getting a second shot at happiness. Soon thereafter it was Matt who was facing an ending marriage and going through the hard times. He’s come through it and it is possible I’ll see him again, in Florida, this summer.

You know where this is.

You know where this is.

I’ve thought a lot about their project in the couple years since I first heard about it. The idea of living deliberately is one that resonates with me. For me that is about getting after it and not being a passenger in life. For me it has not meant I abandon reason and buy a lodge in Andros, but it means learning to be truly happy where I am with what I have. I can be happy selling specialized coagulation testing. I know I can, because I am. I’ve chosen to be. I’m happily remarried and the happy father of both my daughter and my new son. I have not let setbacks keep me back. I’ve moved forward, deliberately.

The movie goes on that theme and is told by good people. The fishing is incidental, but it is well done.

I hope you check it out.

Dec 13

Live the choice, love the choice

I want to share this video with you all. I deeply enjoy some of the people connected with this project. I’ve fished Andros with Rebecca and Florida with Matt. I have talked to both of them at some length and I like them immensely as people. They are good souls. This movie has a lot of their souls exposed. You can pick them up, turn them around in your fingers and feel their grit. It’s heartfelt. A Deliberate Life.

[vimeo clip_id=”59616297″]

Watching this now I do feel I have some perspective. I’ve gone through a few big shocks and changes in the past few years and I’ve come through all of it really better than could be expected.

I could have really tried to make a full go at living the passion when I got laid off in August. I really considered it and I had the support of my wife in doing so (she’s awesome). However, I ended up going a different route (although I’m still doing some work for Angling Destinations and who knows, maybe that will be what I do, full time, at some point down the line). I opted for Sales Client Services. I made a choice to talk to people about Heparin Antibody Panels and Platelet Aggregation instead of talking to people about fishing Andros/Los Roques/Belize.

I’m about 99.8% sure I made the right choice. I’m happy in it. I’m content in my work. It was a choice I made deliberately, consciously and of my own will.

In the wake of my divorce I made the decision I would be happy (although I’m a happy person, naturally, it has to be said). It was an easy choice for me, but there are plenty of folks who have not gone that route when faced with that particular fork in the road. Fast forward to today and I’m happily remarried and expecting a son any day now. I made a choice and lived that choice. Good things followed.

So maybe living deliberately isn’t as simple as just giving up your corporate gig to chase trout or bonefish or pike. Maybe it is about being wakeful in the choosing and loving your choice. That’s what I’m taking away from A Deliberate Life.

Nov 12

A deliberate life

One of the main tenants of Bjornian Philosophy is “Be intentional.” So, I’m pretty much with the guys over at Silo 4 who are putting out “A Deliberate Life.” It isn’t bonefishing, but it is about fishing and life choices and beautiful places and good people. I can get behind that.

[vimeo clip_id=”53419719″]