Feb 10

Karl’s First Bonefish

The Being Karl blog (new to me) put up a report about his trip to Belize and his first bonefish.  Always great to hear about someone’s first bonefish… it can be a revelation.

They are at El Pescador… the place I was hoping to go this summer.  I’ve moved my Belize 2010 trip to Belize 2011, but stories like this make me want to head there… um… now.

I make another cast and, bam, I get a hookup.  The fish takes off and is clearly the hardest fighting fish I’ve ever hooked on a fly.  After a couple of minutes of tussle, I bring it to the boat where Carlos reaches down, grips the fish, about 14 inches in length,  and lifts it up for me to see.  My first bonefish on a fly.  I had imagined it would take a day of trying and here we’ve been fishing 15 minutes and I’ve got my first in the boat.

El Pescador photo... go there.

I haven’t seen the Being Karl blog before.  The salty stuff is an outlier, but it is honest and not pretentious in the least.