The Huffington Post just posted the “10 Best Undiscovered Paradises.” On the list was Anegada in the British Virgin Islands, partly because of the “significant bonefish population.” The British Virgin Islands are in much better bonefishing shape than the US Virgin Islands, which had netting and overfishing that pretty much FUBARed the bonefish stocks.
There are at least two more islands on the list that probably have bonefish. The rest… what point is an island if it doesn’t have bonefish? We should probably store nuclear waste there or put terrorists there or something. Just say’n.
The slideshow is kind of annoying, at least on my little netb0ok.
A small airport and ferry service makes getting here fairly easy, but Anegada still feels a world away. The only coral island in the volcanic BVI chain, this island is a haven for beach bums, fly-fishermen, and wildlife enthusiasts alike. The island boasts white-sand beaches, a significant bonefish population, and large salt ponds and exotic birds.
via 10 Best Undiscovered Island Paradises (PHOTOS, POLL).

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