Nov 12

Picture Perfect

I like this pic of friend Derek Rust. I like it for several reasons. First, because he’s living his dream. He was a guide up in Tahoe who longed to pole the flats of Florida and he made it happen.

I like this pic because he’s sporting Skinny Water Culture gear and I like those guys.

I like this pic because he’s in his new Hell’s Bay Boat and I can’t even comprehend how fantastic that must be.

I like this photo because that fish is dripping wet.

Nice one Derek.

Nov 10

So… if you have a yacht…

If you find yourself with a yacht and you are going to be cruising around the Bahamas and you, ya know, want to go bonefishing, you can get a Skate from Hell’s Bay and just toss it up on deck (carefully, and if there are two of you).

Now… I doubt I’m going to find myself in this particular scenario, but if I did (and I mean in real life, not my very active fantasy life), I very well might get a Skate and pole around some no-name bit of Bahamian goodness.  Doesn’t that sound more awesome than you really have a right to expect?
