OK… there are going to be some changes coming down the pike here at Bonefish on the Brain. Hope the are seamless and you don’t even notice.
I’m leaving the world of “Stay at home dad”-ing. It’s been a good run. I’ve had some really, really fantastic memories. It is now time to get back to that professional world. I had really wanted that job to be in the fly fishing industry as the blog had turned so much of my attention there. Orvis offered me the opportunity to work at their store in San Jose, but I also had the opportunity to work at a high-tech start-up. In the end, I just couldn’t pass up the chance to be a part of building a company with a really intriguing technology… not to mention to potential financial upside (the difference between selling Helios rods and buying them).
Thanks to the folks at Orvis for being willing to take me on. I appreciate the vote of confidence and think you guys are headed in the right direction. I’ve cast the Helios, Hydros and Access… good sticks.
So, I’ll be starting a new job on Monday and entering a new world… one that is going to demand a LOT of my time, energy and focus. I don’t know when my next trip is going to be, but I’m still going to find stories and post them up for you all to enjoy (every day if I can). I might just be a little bit harder to get a hold of and I might be a little slower on the reply.
I’m entering a whole new world, and leaving one very awesome world behind. Sure, I’ll still be a dad, but part of me is really going to miss trips to the aquarium.

Love that girl