Oct 10

Reason #1 that the Salt is better than the Fresh

OK… I’m not really prepared to say that the salt is better than the fresh… the fresh is what I do most often.  I love it.  However, given the endless assault on all things salty over at the Trout Underground (again here), I feel compelled to underscore why, in fact, the salt is totally more super awesome than the fresh.

Reason #1… Tiny Flies

That’s a WD40 nymph.  The instructions say you  can tie this in a #24.

The smallest bonefish fly I’ve tied up is an #8, and that’s nearly microscopic for the salt.  The largest fly I’ve tied for saltwater is a 3/0, which is meat on a hook.

That I have several #20’s in my trouting fly boxes is a clear sign that saltwater fly fishing is more awesomer ruling than the freshwater stuff.