Aug 10

Tag Ends 8-16-10

Man… how did it get to be 10:45 PM?

That means I don’t have the time to transcribe my interview with Vaughn Cochran.  I will get that up tomorrow though.

Costa Winner

In other news, we have a winner for the Costa Del Mar give-away.  If your name is Greg and you live in Arlington, you already know you are a winner.  Otherwise, thanks for subscribing.

Miracle Crash in Caribbean

I heard about the airline crash on the Colombian Island of San Andres… amazing that only one person was killed and that because of a heart attack.  Amazing also that Colombia has an island in the Caribbean that might… just might have bonefish on it.

A note for subscribers…

Since the give-away has been given away, you may want to unsubscribe (I am nothing if not prolific).  I heard from a couple people that the unsubscribe didn’t work for them.  If not, just shoot me an email or leave a comment and I’ll manually unsubscribe you.  Thanks for reading.