Dec 12

Getting sorted out – Line Edition

I got my Umpqua line scale a while back, but I finally got around to using it this last weekend.

I don’t know why I do this, but after some trips I’ve stripped lines off loaner reels and not recorded exactly what those lines were. Once off a reel and home from a trip an 8 wt. line looks very much like a 9 weight or 10 weight line, or 7 or 6 or god knows what. Over the past few years I’ve had a few lines pile up and the mystery has deepened and multiplied.


Why do I do this?

Why do I do this?

Well… enter the scale and all your questions are solved. You take the first 30 feet and measure that and presto… I know know that my mystery line is for a 7 weight.

Ah... so that's what it is.

Ah… so that’s what it is.

Let’s label this a little more clearly…

That's better.

That’s better.

It even works for sinking lines.

All is clear.

All is clear.

Good stuff. Now I know what I have and don’t have. It’s good stuff to know as I look at filling out lines for reels and rods. Nice.


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Aug 12

I Need This. Umpqua Line Scale

I saw this a few weeks ago and couldn’t remember where I had seen it. Luckily, someone remembered that it had been on Midcurrent. Score.

I need this. I have a plethora of lines and some of the tags have, well… did I forget to put tags on some of those to begin with?  That was dumb. Anyway, I have lines for which the exact weight is unknown. Enter the Umpqua Line Scale.

Yes please.


This could be big for me. I’m pretty much ordering this now.