I found this Bonefish quiz on Field and Stream.com. Kind of a fun little bit that includes…
2. Bonefish offspring/juveniles have been located as far north as (or farther than) Long Island, New York…
5. Bonefish can live at least 20 years…
6. A bonefish’s diet changes as it grows; under 16″ fish primarily eat worms and clams; over 16″ fish eat shrimp and crabs; over 24″ fish eat other fish, like toadfish and gobies (choose your fly accordingly!)…
The link at the top will take you to the rest of the quiz.
I kind of forget about Field and Stream since I’m not too interested in the “Field” part of the magazine. I recall my dad subscribing during my childhood (100% for anything about steelhead).
A search for “bonefish” turns up 210 entries at F&S… whoa. Who knew. Might be mining some more gems from them down the road.
Other Updates:
- I now have water again at the Sierra Bonefish Headquaters and have used that water to wash myself in all the important places (and unimportant ones)…
- I discovered that I cannot make it up my street in 4×4 High, but can in Low…
- This guy went to GBI just recently and caught some fish… promising, since I’m going to GBI in just over a month…
- Coach Duff sent a couple pics of a NOICE bonefish (11.5 pounder) caught by client Luke on Coach’s 1/0 “Plate Lunch” crab pattern… one of those pics is below.

That is some nice HI bonefish that in no way would make a good fish cake
Also, I’ve just hit 7,000 views on this little endeavor of mine (up since August). Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing and I hope we meet on the water some day (unless you are a total a-hole).
(Field and Stream quote used with permission from F&S)