What I did for my birthday

The whole reel testing thing has been happening slower than the pace of financial reform in congress. Been hard to find the time, honestly, with all the… um… interesting things going on in my life.

I got the Vanquish out today and ran it through the first 20 high speed pulls and put it through a little saltwater soak.  Sounds like a day at the spa.

Lamson Vanquish

A little saltwater soak


First 20 pulls, in the bag.  Now, it needs to sit for a couple days, dry out with that nice saltwater crust.  Then… 20 more pulls.  Then the sand. Then more pulls.

Stick with me here while I try to get the whole testing regime back on line.

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1 comment

  1. Just bought the size four for my next bone fishing trip. Can wait to see how it runs in the salt and sand. The Vanquish reel via the Bozeman River’s Edge shop had a Lamson generated video where one was buried in the sand, rinsed off briefly in a river and then casted easily. Torture away!

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