Maybe you want to head to the Bahamas but want less than a lodge experience but more than a dirt-bag-esque DIY trip.
Well… there are options.
One of those options is Acklins and Salina Point. The deal is this… you won’t be guided, but you will get pointed toward the right, un-pressured flats at the right tides. You’ll get set up for success, you’ll just have to spot your own fish. Some people prefer it that way.
If you want a guide, you can get one for about $300 (which is pretty awesome).
You can book through Reel Action Fly Fishing, a week of fishing, unguided, for $1,600 (with a special running right now for $1,460).
The fishing seems… inspired.
I’ve heard about Salina Point for a while now and the prices are right. Once I run through some of the other places I want to fish (Andros, Aitutaki, Culebra, Florida), I may just make this the next trip.
Tags: Bahamas, bonefish, bonefishing, fly fishing, flyfishing, Reel Action Fly Fishing, Salina Point Lodge
I’m going to Acklins in May for the first time. I hear the place is great with tons of flats and relatively unpressured bonefishing- the guys I’m going with have fished in before and love it. Our guides arranged through Cattaragus Creek Outfitters cost $400/day and the extra flight from Nassau cost us $244. You have to take an extra day to catch the early AM flight. Orvis makes a pair of sunglasses called “Acklins” a sure sign this back water place will soon be overun!
Nice footage. Even better – proper catch and release handling techniques!