Well, this certainly looks nice. Not sure why they had to weigh each fish in a sling… if that is driven by regulation or by vanity. Seems unfortunate, doubly so if driven by vanity.
Some nice fish here though.
By all accounts Aitutaki is not a numbers game. You go for size and for the remoteness of the place. Nice to get this glimpse of it.
Tags: Aitutaki
No it is not a regulation down here to use a sling to weigh them. For me it’s just throw a tape on them, stick a tag in them and let them go. I make sure to keep them in the water as much as possible. I pretty much quit carrying a camera so I don’t have someone want to lift it out of the water and get their dozen hero shots. Some of these critters are big here though.
Cool spot. Sweet pink camera that dude had too.
You are a good man Butch.