Well… it is 12:30 AM, I am home from a long journey back from Vallarta. My 3 year old let loose with a full fledged ninja barf attack on the Bay Bridge around 9:00, which is just about as much fun as that sounds (actually, much, much less fun). I’m going to put “Daughter barfing in car while driving on the Bay Bridge” on that list of “Things That Suck.”
So, with barely two firing synapses working in my otherwise bonefish-ful brain, I’m going to direct you today to Andros South and a trip report put up by the good folks over at Deneki Outdoors.
I’m a fan of Deneki although I’ve never been to Andros South and likely won’t for the next few years at least. Looks like a great operation though and the Deneki website is all full of bonefishing goodies and tid bits. You can follow them on Twitter, sign up for their newsletter or just make them a regular stop.