Yeah, OK… I haven’t really done this before and this fly isn’t exactly all that, but, ya know… figured I’d show you, my loyal and obedient readers, how I put one of my flies together. These are all taken with my iPhone, so, a little fuzzy.
Step 1: This is a #2 saltwater hook. Tan big fly thread.
Step 2: Larger, but not huge, bead chain eyes. Reverse Style.
Step 3: A couple strands of black krystal flash, long.
Step 4: The tail is a clump of rabbit strip, just snipped off and tied in. You can use tan, bright orange, burnt orange… whatever.
Step 5: Wrap pearl braid up to the eye.
Step 6: Tie in some rubber legs. Again, color is up to you.
Step 8: Kraft Fur wing. As you do.
Step 9: A little pearl flash over the Kraft Fur.
Step 10 (man, there are a lot of steps in this thing!): Some UV Cure somethingorother (this is from Loon) along the spine of the fly.
There ya go. Done. This is kind of a buys fly, but it has a few things going for it, or so I hope. This is the kind of fly the fish either fight for or run from.
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Nice. Buggy! Bet dem bones eat that up, man.
Thanks. It is a little busy, but… you get the general idea.
I’m going to give it a try because I really like yellow for our bonefish.
Not bad photos for an iPhone! I get the drift. Seems big but I hear those Bahamas bones (in some places) like big!