Message boards can offer some great advice, interesting debates and enjoyable fishing reports. There are some message board that are really helpful to the angler looking for information on gear, locations, guides or flies. There are other boards out there that just don’t do “helpful.” They all have their audiences… takes all kinds, they say.
I tend to like the places where folks are both looking to share and willing to give advice… the places you can ask a question and people actually try to help you. These are the places where you feel a part of the fly fishing community, folks are all rooting for each other to have success and no one ever calls you a noob or tells you to die in a fire (as I had happened when I waded into one message board without doing my homework, it was an epic #fail).
Below are some boards I like and/or participate in. They are places with folks who know their business from flies to rods to locations.
Fly Fishing Forum – They have a Bonefish, Tarpon and Other Obsessions section just perfect for those looking to hit the Bahamas. One thing you can’t do is post up a link to a guide or lodge you like. Outside links are strictly policed, but you can always send someone a private message to get the details.
Dan Blanton’s Message Board – California fly fishing all-star Dan Blanton has a message board with a broad focus with anglers that fish all over the world. If you have a gear or location question, the odds are good that someone would have an answer and be willing to share.
Reel-Time – This site’s forums are focused on saltwater fishing and they have a Caribbean section.
Kiene’s Board – Keine’s Fly Shop is in Sacramento, so a lot on his board has to do with fishing in the Golden State. However, there is a sub-forum just for saltwater fishing and the fly tying section has offered me some great advice.
See you on-line.
does your pussy still hurt from getting kick in the twat on the drake?
This is the kind of crap that follows you when you post on one of those less friendly boards… this sort of thing comes without a real name on it… just someone throwing stones, being a total dique. Total class.