Deep Water Cay Monster

Normally, I’d be doing some sort of measurement to dispute the weight, but I don’t think I need to here. Meeko, guide out of Deep Water Cay, put this fish at 14.6 pounds and it certainly looks it. That is a beast.

Big, big bonefish.

Big, big bonefish.

This is why I kind of have a crush on Grand Bahama. There is no overnighting anywhere, no flight out of Nassau and a day burned in transit.

You are very unlikely to find a fish bigger than this anywhere. You’d be fortunate to cast to a fish this big in your whole life. Congrats to Jim Easterling of Houston, who landed the Beast of Deep Water Cay.

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1 comment

  1. Wow! That is a rare and a very big bonefish! I wonder if the really really big ones like that don’t come up onto the flats as often or as shallow? If we looked in deep channels and cuts we might see more of those big ones, sort of like permit. You see way more big ones on the wrecks and reefs than on the flats.

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