Not only do I love sharks, but my girl loves sharks. She will hang out at the pier with me for hours and hours and hours, mostly just waiting for something to happen. This is time without screens of any kind. All the entertainment is that which we make ourselves. It’s wonderful.
We were out at the pier again yesterday and it was great. We got two Leopard Sharks and got to see several others. On a more unhappy note I had to tell a guy his two Leopards were undersized (36″ is the minimum size and his were probably 24″ and 20″). The guy was just clueless.
Another guy had three Seven Gill sharks on a rope. I can’t keep people from taking sharks out of the bay, but when I went back home to read up on the regs I saw the legal limit is actually one Seven Gill. So, one guy probably killed two undersized Leopards and another guy was two over the limit.
Frustrating and probably more regulation breaking than I’ve seen in a single day in a long time.

My girl with a 24″ Leopard. Damn those things are pretty.
Tags: sharks