Message boards can be fantastic communities of folks that share your passions, or elitist groups of anonymous trollers, depending on your experience. On a message board I frequent I saw a post that was simply fantastic. I had recently played with an alternative to epoxy for Bonefish Bitters, so this post, all about epoxy alternatives, was just wonderful.

Epoxy Alternative Options
Someone really put some time into this post. The effort shows and there is some real solid information for fly-tiers here.

Crystal clear to mellow yellow
Clear Cure Goo (thin) seems the top pick.
Clear Cure Goo – Offers two versions of the product. Thick and Thin.
I used the Rio product and was happy with it. It didn’t dry quickly, but it did cure eventually. There was a slight tacky feeling to it once cured, so I’d recommend putting some Hard as Nails or other head cement over it when done.
Tags: expoxy alternatives, fly tying
[…] UV gels, UV Products Fly Tying, voar subordina�, zbura lega, 抱き合わせ飛ぶ Bones On the Brain pointed out a well researched piece by bcarson4374 at Kiene’s Fly Shop Forum dated January […]
Have used all these products and none come close to this product called Bug-bong
Thanks for the comment Simon. I’ve never heard of it before, so that’s news. I’ve seen lots of people asking questions about epoxy alternatives though, so this is good info. Thanks.
No worries your welcome mate. With Bug-bond there is no tack what’s so ever and the curing time is literally in seconds. I’ve found both the heavy clear and the original equally easy to use although I must confess I like the Heavy clear a tad more as its easier to apply.
I read the very interesting forum post you posted on here and when looking at the surf candy the chap had tied…although wonderful flies one could see how and which direction he had applied the resin by the way it was bulged along the hook shaft.
With Bug-bond,If used on a rotary vise, one can get an even spread of the material around the area quite nicely which in turn will give an even spread and thickness through out the head area.It also frees up your other hand to hold the UV lamp (torch) in exactly the correct area you need to cure the resin and in turn your able to cure evenly through out in seconds.
Other than that tight lines
Thanks Simon. Is there any discoloration with sun exposure/time? I have not seen the stuff in stores, do you have to special order? Is it brittle? I’ve been using a thin layer of the regular UV knot stuff to coat heads on clousers… I dislike that tacky feel… wouldn’t mind an alternative. B-
Bug-bond stays clear with no discoloration & you’ve probably not seen it in the shops as its only marketed in Europe at the moment. David Edwards…(hell of a nice chap) who owns Bug-bond is the one to speak to about it. Am sure his email address is on the website I linked for you.