Science Wednesday is back with one of my favorite topics. Sharks. No secret that shark populations are, well, about as robust as Mr. Burns.
Turns out Oceanic White Tips may be benefiting from the marine protected areas of the Bahamas.
Experts suggest that the island nation’s marine protected area is assisting the species.
Um… I had not understood this… this is awesome.
In July 2011, the Bahamian government banned shark fishing in all 240,000 square miles of the country’s waters.
Good on ya, Bahamas. Good on ya.
Tags: Bahamas, Conservation, White Tip Sharks
On 12 Dec 2012 the Cook Island created the worlds largest shark sanctuary to help those creatures.
Howya goin Butch might be comming to see ya end of August The misses asked what I wanted for my 50th birthday so going to Hawaii for 10 days than come back through the Cooks for 10 day
Happy birth day to me !!!!