Guides fishing… and casting

I saw this video posted up at Flatswalker.

Now, the thing I want you to focus on is this… did you see that guy casting?  How much effort did he put into it?  Not much.  It’s pretty much pure smoothness and the rest is distance and accuracy. When we get to the point we aren’t getting the cast there, most folks try to muscle it.  They try to push harder.  A little more umph. An extra bit of pepper.

Not much pepper in that guy’s cast.  It is the mechanics done perfectly in a way that gets him alllll the distance he wants.

Something to think about.



    Another smooth caster from Flatswalker. The Barry White of Big bones!

  2. Literally the best caster I’ve ever seen — on video or real life — EVER. Amazingly smooth, effortless, POWERFUL cast. I thought it was going to pull the reel off my rod when he was demonstrating a few tips for me…

    BTW that brings me to a good point, if you want to raise your success rate for any given trip, ask the guide for a little lesson/tip session FIRST, before the trip progresses and you/they get frustrated. I eventually got around to asking Charlie for a few tips on DAY 3 of a 5 day trip. Piss poor decision making process there. After a single lesson from him our casting, presentation, and generally fishyness went up dramatically. No more rocking the boat and sending fish fleeing. No more forgetting to double-haul into the wind. No more looking at 12 o’clock when the guide is calling out 2 o’clock. No more crouching on the last cast–a huge problem, BTW. We had the tools to make us better… if not quite worthy to be on his skiff.

  3. PS… that last comment was about Big Charlie, not the video on this post… though this guy is good too. Compared to Charlie though…

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