I love nap time

Being a stay-at-home-dad (SAHD) has many drawbacks and many benefits.  I can’t pick up and head off to, say, South Andros, when an opportunity comes up, but I also get to watch my little girl grow/learn/play.  Beyond the fact that I got to watch just about every World Cup match (GO USA), I also get a bit of free time, sometimes, in the middle of the day.   This is called “nap time.”

Today, I sat down at the vice.  I tied a couple of green masses that I hope resemble some sort of plant matter the carp in Los Gatos Creek might eat.  I also tried my hand at tying some Merkins… again.

I had a little bit of a breakthrough on the Merkin front… I’ve been over-thinking this pattern, it seems, putting too many steps in, putting too many wraps in too many places.  I’m happy to say I’ll be adding Merkins to my fly boxes for my next saltwater trip… whenever that may be.

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