In honor of Flatswalker – The Most Interesting Guide in the World

Flatswalker has been posting some Friday Cheer through “The Most Interesting Guide in the World” posts.  I’ve been a fan.

I thought I might suggest a few musings of my own on this elite angler.


He’s never fished a mud.

Were he to ever count the fish landed it would represent a fully complete census.

He can carry all his line in the air… his backing too.

His bonefishing flies are so beautiful that a Russian Billionaire recently tried to buy one for $15,000,000, but they are not for sale.

He can cast a fly in a glass at 80′, with the glass up-side-down… on his back cast.

The sun does not dare to burn him.

He once polled into a 30 knot wind to chase down a 14 pound bonefish, for 4 miles.

All his knots are 100% knots… some are even 200%

He has never had a windknot.

He has never spooked a fish he didn’t see.  He sees all fish.

He doesn’t take pictures of fish because he has a photographic memory, which he shares on Flickr.

His shrimp patterns are so realistic that other shrimp often try to mate with them… and are sometimes succesful.

I don’t always get to fish myself,
but when I do, I prefer not to nymph for steelhead in the rain,

but I will if I have to…

Stay salty (and warm) my friends.

Check out Flatswalker’s other Most Interesting Guide posts.

  • Unique Post


  1. I love this one:
    “He doesn’t take pictures of fish because he has a photographic memory, which he shares on Flickr.”
    Classic… wish I had thought of that one.

  2. I kind of cracked myself up on that one.

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