I think it is important to have a view of yourself that is honest and takes into account your flaws. Sitting where I sit (as the guy who writes a bonefishing blog), it is easy for people to assume I’m an expert bonefisherman, that my casts are always true and that I’ve caught so many bonefish that I hardly celebrate or hoot when I hook up.
In the words of the Avett Brothers (The Weight of Lies):
I once heard the worst thing
A man could do is draw a hungry crowd
Tell everyone his name in pride, and confidence
But leaving out his doubt
Here are things I am pretty sure about myself, as an angler.
- I continue to be a better trout fisherman than I am a bonefisherman.
- My casting is better now that it has ever been in my life, but when you put me next to a really, really good caster, you know I’m not in the same class.
- I am prone to put a 20% trout-set in my hook-set, the kind where you strip, but also sweep the rod a bit off to the right. Still screws up my hook sets.
- There are some days where I just can’t see the fish.
- I really suck a tying with deer hair, so I don’t do it.
- My Merkins are getting better, but largely still suck.
- I prefer a reverse Gotcha, but almost every guide selects the standard and most plain Gotcha’s, making me wonder if they are just creatures of habit or if I am barking up the wrong tree on those patterns.
In short, I know my faults and want you (the reader) to know that I have no super powers… really, I’m just a regular guy who loves the flats.

On the deck in Cuba.
Tags: bonefishing, fly fishing
I recently attended a fundraiser casting tournament put on by TA. I found out that I don’t suck, in fact better than most but not an expert. I can do deerhair, but it’s messy and I don’t like to. My merkins are marginal. I haven’t managed a real strip-set yet at all because my trout instincts always take over my body. I prefer the look of the reverse gotcha’s but the fish probably don’t really care.
The wife thinks I am easily distracted and quick to procrastinate.
My super power is sleeping.
The list was not complete… just a sample of things I’m not good at. There are more… a lot more.
Had two days with a one of the best casting teachers in Australia
thought I could cast alright but when he said “I think we will start you from the begining again ” it brought me back to earth !
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