Found this story pop up in my news feed about a winter escape to Little Cayman (pronounced “Cay Man”). I would like very much to find myself out there at some point, in part because the Cayman Islands is the native home of Flatswalker.

Davin with a happy client in Grand Cayman
It is a good reminder that there are other places to catch bonefish than the Bahamas, that there are a number of islands (and nations) one can select from when thinking about things silvery and salty.
Go on. Get out there and explore.
Tags: Little Cayman Island
I went down about 15-years ago Bjorn. I have the info if you want to know more. It’s a very cool place.
Hello Bjorn.
I have three good friends that I went to college with from Grand Cayman. Most of what you read is accurate on Grand Cayman. I would not consider it a numbers destination. There is a decent amount of tarpon there though from larger fish that are around the beaches to smaller 3 to 10 lb tarpon that live in the mosquito control canals. I have even seen small ditches/pools with hand size tarpon in them. I have fished Little Cayman more than Grand Cayman and it is a totally different fishery. It is not a large fishery but it has very low pressure. You can rack up numbers of fish there as well as a few big fish. I have seen 10lb+ plus fish there and my wife caught an 8lb bone there. There are permit and tarpon also and the tarpon pond which is land locked with resident fish to 30 lbs which are a blast. Let me know if you want details.
I would like to head to Little Cayman in May. I went to the Soliel D’or resort on Brac last year as a trip with my wife but wound up catching tons of Bone Fish. I want to take a solo trip in May to Little to get the numbers mentioned above. I would prefer to go at it sans guide, so any tips you can provide would be wonderful. Is it wadeable? Is the tarpon pond wadeable? Thanks for any advice.
can anyone recommend a guide for bones on Grand Cayman and/or Little Cayman?