One of the most common searches I’ve seen landing folks here on Bonefish on the Brain is “Los Roques DIY.” So, I decided to look into it.
Los Roques is hard to get to, that seems clear. I found a great little story from the NYT about Los Roques, complete with a quote from a Maine Game Warden who bonefishes there every year. The article says you can hire a boat, find an island and be alone with your thoughts (and bonefish). The details on how one does that, of course, is where the real questions have to be asked.

Los Roques… looks nice. Wish it cost more like $140 to get there instead of $1,400.
I have read at least one account of folks catching bones in the harbor and also read that flats around the main town get hammered. You need a license, there are prohibited areas… sounds like you can certainly get yourself into trouble.
Oscar Shop, according to the NYT, can take you out to uninhabited islands, that sounds like the best bet to me (but what the hell do I know?).
There are tourist “posada” on Los Roques that range from $45 to $400 a night, I’m sure they very dramatically in quality, as you’d expect.
Now, it’s great to get a room for $45, get a boat to take you to some isolated island for $20-80 a person, but the real problem seems like the transportation there… Kayak puts a flight to Caracas from SFO at about $1,200. The puddle jumper is about $220. The budget angler might need to re-think Los Roques as a DIY location if just getting there will cost you $1,400… you end up at $2,000 pretty fast and if you are going to drop $2,000, you might as well get a guide.
Tags: bonefishing, DIY, flyfishing, Los Roques, self guided