So… I have a few things going on these days. One of those things is that I’m getting hitched (re-hitched) really, really soon.
Wedding is at 6 PM, we get picked up at 4:00 AM to head to the airport. Once there we will partake in the miracle that is human flight and some hours (and a few planes) later we will end up toes-in-the-water at El Pescador in Belize.
Once there we’ll have ONE day of guided fishing. The new Mrs. Bonefish on the Brain will be with me and we should get into some fish. Along those lines, it occurred to me that I have some tying to do.

The desk. Wine Fly.
Pretty much, I’m looking forward to the adventure.
Tags: fly tying
Hey congrats on the upcoming nuptials. All the best to you & the new to be Mrs Bonefish !!!
Best wishes and good luck with the marriage and fishing Bjorn. I enjoy your site; thanks
I’ll be doing mad tying sessions once I get home to my bench. So pumped up for my trip to Belize…and I don’t even have a wedding to be excited for 🙂
‘grats again, Bjorn. It would’ve been way cool if our paths could cross down thee, but you have way more important things to do on that trip!!
Congrats! Does mrs bonefish fish?
excellent narrative exciting informative and clear crisp pictures too..continued sucess looking foward to the next ‘episode’