I leave tomorrow for Oahu and while I’m there I’ll manage a day of fishing with Kenny.
Now, years past I would have been talking and writing about this trip for weeks. This year it kind of jumped out from a corner and yelled “SURPRISE” and I may or may not have wet myself a little bit.
These things are now fast movers. It seemed years away when I first booked the trip and now… we leave tomorrow!
Luckily, for this trip, I need little else beyond the rod/reel and shades. Kenny has the flies he wants to throw and I’m not going to get a chance to get out on my own.
Looking forward to it.
Last year I got a few on the board. Hoping to do likewise this week.
Greetings, Go to Nervous Waters Fly Shop and Sean will hook you up with all the information and flies that you will ever need. Please tell him to have fun on his Fly Fishing Adventure to Christmas Island next month, and also tell him that Andy says hi and that I kicked ass on the Christmas Island Atoll in March.
GT’S, lots of Bones and Queens Fish, Sweet lips and Blue and Striped Trevally as well. Hanson was simply awesome. He should go with Sean in June to Christmas Island.
Have fun and catch lots on the flats.
Always interested in Hawaii opportunity/ bonefish.
Hope the weather clears for your trip. I’ll look for you on the water, maybe I’ll see you out there. Good luck!
It didn’t clear… but, that’s fishing, right? Still had a good day.