Something I’m working towards

Jim Klug got there first… but I’m trying hard to catch up.

This is what a good dad looks like in my mind.


Jim was just down in the Yucatan with his family and he has some nice pictures from that trip at his site.

I’m just trying to nail down plans for Spring Break 2013, which will be the first chance I have to bring my daughter somewhere to show her the environment I love so much.  She’s going to get resorts with big pool complexes from her mom.  From me I want her to get starfish and rays and sharks and crabs and bonefish and mangroves and jacks and herons and turtles.  That’s what I want to give her.

So, cheers to the dads out there who share these wonders with their children, especially their girls.

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  1. What you want to give her are those things that cannot be lost. — even if they get covered up for a time, they’ll always be remembered. My father took me and my sister fishing as a little girls, and I never forgot those experiences. Good on you for doing the same.

  2. Those are some of the most important things I learned from my own father and that’s my model for the dad I want to be.

  3. My 3 year old grandsons first word was “boat”, followed by “river and beach”. We try to get him on the boat at least once a week to visit the barrier islands of coastal Georgia, looking for what we can find, alligators, fish, birds or just sand and water. A pleasure for all of us and a chance to cultivate a love for the outdoors and the natural world. No batteries required.

  4. Hey guy, we put you in our like links.

    Skip Clcment, publisher

  5. […] Stromsness reflects on what a good dad looks like and what he wants to give his daughter, while Chris Hunt reflects on what it feels like to have […]

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