Sweet Tweet From the Flats Doctor

Aaron Adams recently tweeted his favorite bonefish gear.  This is the guy who runs  the Bonefish & Tarpon Trust.  This is the guy who contributed to Chico’s bonefish book and who has written several of his very own.

The skinny…

@flatsdoctor: Favorite bonefish gear: St. Croix Legend Elite, 8wt; Lamson 3.0 reel; Cortland bonefish floating line; flies-big ugly, bastard crab, gotcha

Good to know what someone like Dr. Adams is throwing and what he’s throwing with.  For that insight, you should all become members of the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust.

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  1. Aaron is really cool! His books are awesome and he was cool enough to give me an interview during Thanksgiving break…..

  2. Yeah, he’s been amazingly accessible for being so busy. I’m going to volunteer for BTT and man a booth for them at the Fly Fishing Show in Pleasanton, CA in February.

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