Aug 12

Blog Birthday

This blog was born in 2009 on August 21st. It also happens to be my birthday (and Ali’s from El Pescador… Happy Birthday Ali).

I’m an XL. Favorite color is green. Go ahead and put that birthday present in the mail. I’ll wait.

All done? Great, and thanks, btw.

The blog has been “active.” I’ve put up over 1,180 blog posts in the time I’ve had this thing up.  It has introduced me to some pretty interesting people and taken me some pretty interesting places. I’ve also learned a lot in that time, which is what I was looking to do when I started things out.

That’s me, just about 38 years ago.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to many, many more adventures.

If you’ve been reading this for a while, do you have a favorite post?


Jan 10

Skinny Water Cultue Blog

I’ve been a fan of Skinny Water Culture since I found them last year in my search for some non-lame bonefish t-shirts.  I’m actually wearing one of their shirts right now (check out their gear here).  They put out some pretty good looking products and they seem to know what they are talking about.  That’s why I was happy to see, via This is Fly Daily, that they have started a blog.  A few visits to the blog and I know it’ll be a regular stop for me.

Check it out here.

Check it out.