Twice I managed to head to this reservoir and catch the elusive carp. The last one was to hand at least two years ago. Since then, I’ve been back here six or seven times and I have only hooked one. Today I wasn’t even lucky enough to hook one. i did catch some tiny bass though.

All I got.
I know the spot isn’t ideal. The clarity is most often measured in inches… usually under six. I don’t know of many other options. Maybe there are other spots I could try, maybe there aren’t. The SF Bay Area is not a fish-drenched destination. We mostly travel to our fish, we don’t find too many in our back yard.
This reservoir is kicking my butt so badly. It’s making me wonder how I ever pulled a fish out of here. I know it wasn’t a fluke, because I repeated the performance. Since then though, it has had my number. Yesterday was no different.
I saw a few breaching carp, large fish, jumping out of the water and crashing back in a display I’ve seen often here. You just have to be lucky. If one breaches in range and you get a fly to the ring within 5 seconds, you have a shot. Otherwise, the fish disappears as soon as it enters the murk and you can’t find it, cast to it or catch it.
Maybe next time I’ll just go somewhere else… anywhere else. This clearly isn’t working.