Message boards can be fantastic communities of folks that share your passions, or elitist groups of anonymous trollers, depending on your experience. On a message board I frequent I saw a post that was simply fantastic. I had recently played with an alternative to epoxy for Bonefish Bitters, so this post, all about epoxy alternatives, was just wonderful.

Epoxy Alternative Options
Someone really put some time into this post. The effort shows and there is some real solid information for fly-tiers here.

Crystal clear to mellow yellow
Clear Cure Goo (thin) seems the top pick.
Clear Cure Goo – Offers two versions of the product. Thick and Thin.
I used the Rio product and was happy with it. It didn’t dry quickly, but it did cure eventually. There was a slight tacky feeling to it once cured, so I’d recommend putting some Hard as Nails or other head cement over it when done.