There is a reason why I keep posting stuff about Deneki Outdoors and it isn’t because I’m going to FIBFest 2. Deneki posts up great content all the time. Some of it is educational, like their newly released Bonefishing 101 guide. Other posts are about the guides, the Androsian people, the experience. Day, after day… great stuff. Makes ya want to go there.
More about Bonefishing 101…
What is Bonefishing 101? It’s a .pdf file that you can download to your computer, and it covers the fundamentals of bonefishing.
* The Ready Position
* Casting on the Flats
* Spotting Bonefish
* Setting the Hook
* Fighting Bonefish
via Bonefishing Tips | Free Download | Bonefishing 101.
If this is Bonefishing 101, surely the week I’ll be spending down at Andros South will be something along the lines of graduate work.