I don’t have a boat. I even ended up leaving my float tube in the ex’s garage. I’m not likely to end up owning a flats boat costing tens of thousands of dollars. I find them damn sexy, but it just isn’t realistic for where I live, the fishing opportunities available to me and my financial position.
However… this boat… this boat seems almost in the realm of possibilities.
An inflatable flats boat, the Bare Bones from Airborn.
Now, I’m sure I could end up dying on an inflatable flats boat almost as well as I could one one of your standard, non-inflatable kind. I can imagine getting caught on a current I couldn’t combat and drifting to some obscure and fresh-waterless bit of mangrove where I die, slowly, of thirst. Yes, I’ve considered it.
This makes all that possible, and for about $3,000, at that.

I’d kind of like one.
Good idea or bad idea?