Aug 11

I could never be mad at you, Google Alerts

If it weren’t for the good folks over at Google, I likely would never have found this story from the Malaysia Star.  The location is the Maldives and, as it turns out, there are indeed bonefish there.

Now… I may disagree with a few things… like:

Known to exist in only a few places in the world, the hunt for this species is simply exclusive.

(They’ve been caught from Long Beach to Hawaii to most of the South Pacific, South Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf and there are rumored to be a few in the Caribbean, to name a few places they might be found.  However, there remain none in Kansas.).

I agree with others…

But fishing for bones is not so easy.

A different perspective from a different part of the world.

Oct 10

born to fly fish: Komandoo, Maldives

This is a great post from the Born to Fly Fish blog… check it out.

I have never seen a bonefish in the Maldives. In total I have spent over 5 weeks in this paradise, a large amount of that time spent in the water diving and snorkelling and yet to see a bonefish.

via born to fly fish: Komandoo, Maldives.

Not a bonefish, but one hell of a Bluefin... those colors are fantastic.