Jun 12

“The Thor of Crustaceans”

I’m from California, but with a name like Bjorn you know the headline “The Thor of Crustaceans” caught my attention.

Of course, we’re talking about the Mantis Shrimp.

Mantis Shrimp, are, as you might imagine, prey of bonefish and it turns out, they are kind of badass too. The article talks about how their armored weapons/claws could be the key to new, stronger body armor.  Pretty cool.

I can give a pretty convincing account of the life of a mayfly or a caddis or a stonefly, but I know just about zilch about the actual prey of bonefish.

I should work on that.  It might just come in handy when I’m tying up flies or, ya know, trying to fool bonefish with imitations of their prey.

Mar 10

Deneki Deals on the Mantis

A great article on the Mantis Shrimp from creator of  the fly, Bob Veverka, is up at Deneki Outdoors.  Check it out.

This is Mantis
The Mantis, all fly-like